Thursday, February 10, 2011

Crunch Time!!!!

It's the last two weeks of class for this term and it's rounding on those final projects...argghh! Since my first term of class I have been working very hard on not procrastinating. Although I have gotten continually better with each passing term, this is definitely not something that I would say I have "mastered". I have been plugging away slowly at both final projects and think I am making good pace. I still have a lot of work to do however. And to add just a little pressure, both final projects are due this week! I will continue to work today and tomorrow and take a much needed breather on Saturday. It's my daughter's 7th birthday party and I plan to just relax and enjoy the day. I also feel it's important to be able to take those breathers and refresh yourself before attacking a large project again. If I continually work on one thing my brain begins to get what I call "mushy" and I just don't feel as productive. My brain at least needs a little down time and hopefully it will do me justice when I polish everything up before submitting those projects by Tuesday. Best of luck with finals to everyone else!!! 

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