Friday, December 17, 2010

Drawing a total blank

Ever just have one of those days?! If I can't focus well enough to do homework then I figured I could at least try this blog business and do something productive! The start of this new term has been quite overwhelming for me. Generally I get a good jump on all the readings and work to be done. Christmas is just full of fun family traditions in our family which I love. I have also had two trips to the dentist. I'm a country girl at heart. I took some pretty nasty hits in sports, been kicked by cows, fallen out of hay loft, and my thumbs have had a nasty run in with a tractor. All with no broken bones or tears! But 15 pokes with a 1 1/2 inch needle in my mouth and I'm crying in the chair like a baby. Not to mention I'm leaving the office talking like I've had a good time out on the town and sound drunk. This term has seemed more overwhelming than any of my previous terms. Did I mention last weekend we got 16 inches of snow? I didn't know I was moving to Alaska instead of Wisconsin. Soooooo.....with all that being said. It's definitely time for some positive thinking. It's easier said then done but I believe what the good ol' Willie Nelson once said......

"Once you start replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results"

1 comment:

  1. Very nice, Sassie. I see you will have no trouble blogging. I assume your mouth is no longer numb and you are well into the swing of the holiday season.

    I thought last term was one of the worst, and then I read my student survey results which were a pleasant surprise. I guess all of my frustrations and efforts paid off!
